Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Well, this blog has officially been neglected. I hope that isn't some sign of how well I'm taking care of myself. I'm afraid it may be.


momomom said...

I hear ya. My legs aren't shaved, my jeans are all dirty, I don't even know where my makeup bag is, and none of that has much prospect of changing any time soon. Babies make you do and not do things you never would have believed before.

Mad Hadder said...

I guess "care" is a relative term. You've probably never smiled at another human as much (albeit a very small human), thought so much about somebody else for so long (and he doesn't even know it), or had so darn much fun. And therein lies the real definition of "caring" for yourself.

Shell said...

Very profound, mad hadder. I like it.

Jackie said...

agreed, stellar comment by mad hadder.

though, shells, I do hope you are finding a moment or two for R&R