Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"Blog", such a little word and such a huge concept. I entered the blog world about 10 months ago with intentions to keep the grandparents updated. Though pictures of my son probably keep them satisified, I somehow felt I was misusing my http://. We recently moved even further away from my family and friends. I found myself missing the place we used to live and got caught in a blogging spree, visiting friends links, amazed at how much has changed already. But then, something happened...I wandered onto a blog of someone I didn't know. You may be saying, "DUH, that's what they are for!" But I had always thought that if I were to click on a link of something that I didn't have a clear expectation of, I would find some graphic picture, racey words, or sicko website I wished I'd have never gone to. Turns out, I'm the one that has been missing out. There is a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered. I wonder if "blogging" is going to be added to the dictionary this year.

It is interesting to me that some people write as if they have a specific audience: their family, sister, circle of girlfriends, moms on the block. Others write into the deep, eternal space of cyber. Don't you feel sometimes like you are looking into someone's underwear drawer? Reading someone's thoughts about a personal sickness, catching a glimpse of the family vacation. I feel like that guy on Heros, what's his name... (let me look it up) Matt, who can hear people's thoughts. I wonder if this is what it is like in Heaven where we can communicate just by thinking. That is how I feel when I read someone's blog. Who knows how many "thoughts" are floating out there just waiting to be intercepted.

I have no one in particular I'm writing to. So if you are reading this, I am writing to youi


Mad Hadder said...

Whoa, I hope you don't pick up any weirdoes! Whoops. Too late. You already did. Love, Mom

Brooke said...

This is great! I've just been waiting to look in your underwear drawer, although it likely looks a lot like mine!

Can't wait to hear from you!

Shae said...

How fun! I love the new blog! So great to read your thoughts...

Mad Hadder said...

Great piece about the pee's!!! Are you guys sharing the blog? That cheese thing was definitely Dave? I thought I heard him in the rabbit in the hole bit, but I'm not sure who is writing what? Are you a team??? That's awesome. Hey, Shelly, Sunny is writing a blog about blogging! I'll send the address.

Shell said...

Actually, Mad Hadder, this is all Shelly's doing. I may have gotten the "rabbit" bit from being around Dave, though.